York, PA – The Cultural Alliance of York County is pleased to announce the most recent recipients of the Artist Professional Development Grant. Offered quarterly, this grant provides resources to individual artists in York County to do the work they are passionate about, so that they can move their professional career forward.
The recipients of the Artist Professional Development Grant in the 1st Quarter of 2021 are:
- Christine Mercer-Vernon – For the purchase of atelier level figure and portrait painting classes
- Christina Myers – for one-on-one coaching with award-winning playwright Jessica Blank to develop the screenwriting of her limited TV series, “Spinners”.
- Andi Simpson– For art making and promotional materials for an upcoming solo show.
Learn more about our past grantees here
A total of $5,000 was awarded to artists, in partnership with the Charlotte R. Langione and Walter B. Loucks-Michael Alan Bose Funds of the York County Community Foundation. You can learn more about the York County Community Foundation at www.yccf.org.
The Artist Professional Development Grant is open to artists living in York County who have a desire to move the needle in their career. The grant is open for application throughout the year, and is awarded quarterly. Grant applications for the second quarter are due March 5, 2021.
More information can be found at www.culturalyork.org/artistgrants or by contacting Rita Whitney at Rita@culturalyork.org.
Founded as a United Arts Fund in 1999, the Cultural Alliance’s annual campaign currently supports arts organizations and artists that are essential to arts and culture in our community and over the last 20 years has invested over $11.2 million in cash and $2.5 million in in-kind support for the arts. Through critical operational grants, the Cultural Alliance is the lifeline for arts and culture in York County.
For more information, call the Cultural Alliance at 717-812-9255, visit our website at www.culturalyork.org, visit the Cultural Alliance of York on Facebook, and follow @CulturalYork on Instagram.

“Diversity the Strength of Forests”
Christine-Mercer Vernon
For the purchase of atelier level figure and portrait painting classes.

Christina Myers
For one-on-one coaching with award-winning playwright Jessica Blank to develop the screenwriting of her limited TV series, “Spinners”.

Andi Simpson’s Mural in Royal Square District in York City
Andi Simpson
For art making and promotional materials for an upcoming solo show at MarketView Arts.