Finalists Announced for the 2021 $10,000 Artist Innovator Awards

by | Oct 15, 2021 | 0 comments

York, PA – The Cultural Alliance of York County is pleased to announce 10 finalists for the 2021 Artist Innovator Award.  Two award winners will be chosen from the finalists to receive an unrestricted cash award of $10,000 each.  The Artist Innovator Award was created in 2020 to showcase the high level of talent and value of creators in York County.

The 2021 finalists are:

A panel of three, multi-disciplinary artists from outside of York County will select the two winners from the finalists, who will be announced at the end of October.

Artists working in any medium and who live in York County were invited to create a profile of their work on the arts and culture website,  Profiles created by the deadline on August 31st were scored by peer reviewers from around the country.  The finalists’ profiles and contact information, as well as many other talented artists from York County can all be found at

For additional information on the award including how to be considered in 2022, visit  Please contact or call 717-812-9255 with any questions.

Founded as a United Arts Fund in 1999, the Cultural Alliance’s annual campaign currently supports arts organizations and artists that are essential to arts and culture in our community and Over the past 22 years invested $12 million in cash and $2.5 million in in-kind support for the arts.   Through critical operational grants, the Cultural Alliance is the lifeline for arts and culture in York County. 

For more information, call the Cultural Alliance at 717-812-9255, visit our website at, visit the Cultural Alliance of York on Facebook, and follow @CulturalYork on Instagram.

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