Cultural Happenings in Adams County
From organizational funding to individual artist grants, the Cultural Alliance works hard to create structures for funding the arts and culture in Adams County. Artists and groups we support in the Adams County region include:
Sarah Jacobs Art, LLC
Gettysburg Brass Band Festival
Baldwin’s Gallery
Wendy Halperin
Gettysburg Community Concert Association
Emily Wass (Maverick Home)
Waldo’s and Company
Gettysburg Community Theatre
Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice
Gettyburg Chamber Orchestra
To explore grant opportunities, please visit our grants page
Adams County Arts in Education
The Cultural Alliance also provides Arts in Education residencies in Adams County schools. Exceptional teaching artists are trained and placed in educational, community and professional settings to provide custom-designed, arts integrated experiences. Host sites including: public or private schools, senior centers, community organizations, childcare centers, businesses/private sector & other non-profit organizations. Current Adams County residency sites include:
- Biglerville Elementary School
- Upper Adams Intermediate School
- Gettysburg Montessori Charter School
- Upper Adams Intermediate School
- Alloway Creek Elementary School

If you are interested in supporting school residencies with EITC funding or hosting your own residency in Adams County, contact Laura Glassmann at laura@cultural-adams.org