York, PA –The Cultural Alliance of York County Announces 2nd Quarter Artist Professional Development Grant Recipients; Pauses Remaining Grants to Establish Artist Relief Fund in Response to Coronavirus
The Cultural Alliance of York County is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2nd Quarter 2020 Artist Professional Development Grant. Offered quarterly beginning in January, 2020, this grant provides resources to individual artists in York County to do the work they are passionate about, so that they can move their professional career forward.
The recipients of the Artist Professional Development Grant in the 2nd Quarter of 2020 are:
- James Manjo – For the purchase of a trombone for artistic growth and expansion of musical practice. Learn more about his work at his Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/james_manjo/
- Vincenzo Butera – To attend the six-day Floral Trends Global Summit in Vancouver, Canada in early March. Learn more about his floral work at www.buteratheflorist.com
- Patricia McGee – For post-production software upgrades and promotion of her latest film; “In Your Afterglow.” See a trailer of this feature at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/229416
- Freddie Graves – For the purchase of hard drives to begin post production of “Peeled” documentary film. Learn more about Freddie and his work at www.freddiegraves.com
A total of $5,000 was awarded to these artists, in partnership with the Charlotte R. Langione and Walter B. Loucks-Michael Alan Bose Funds of the York County Community Foundation. You can learn more about the York County Community Foundation at www.yccf.org.
The 3rd and 4th Quarter Artist Professional Grants will be suspended, and the funds will be used to establish a York Artist Relief Fund in response to COVID-19. Focused on lost income, current and into the foreseeable future, the York Artist Relief Fund will replace the Artist Professional Development Grant for the rest of 2020 to provide one-time relief to artists who live, work, create, and/or perform in York County. Only one grant per applicant is allowed. Recipients of 1st and 2nd Quarter Artist Professional Development grants are not eligible to apply.
For more detailed artist relief fund guidelines and to apply, visit www.culturalyork.org/artistgrants or contact the Cultural Alliance at 717-812-9255 or email kelley@culturalyork.org.
This funding was not originally intended as relief funding, and the funds available are limited. The Cultural Alliance urges those who love York County’s cultural scene to help address the urgent needs of the artists and creatives in our community by giving directly to the Cultural Alliance York Artist Relief Fund at www.culturalyork.org/contribute.
Founded as a United Arts Fund in 1999, the Cultural Alliance’s annual campaign currently supports artists and arts organizations that are essential to arts and culture in our community and over the last 20 years has invested over $10.4 million in cash and $2.2 million in in-kind support for the arts. For more information, call the Cultural Alliance at 717-812-9255, visit our website at www.culturalyork.org, visit the Cultural Alliance of York on Facebook, and follow @CulturalYork on Twitter/Instagram.

James Manjo
For the purchase of a trombone for artistic growth and expansion of musical practice.

“Butera the Florist”
Vincenzo Butera
To attend the six-day Floral Trends Global Summit in Vancouver, Canada in early March.

“In Your Afterglow”
Patricia McGee
For post-production software upgrades and promotion of her latest film; “In Your Afterglow.”

“Cast of Peeled”
Freddie Graves
For the purchase of hard drives to begin post production of “Peeled” documentary film.